M Festival: Mountain Music Festival
M Festivalでは、音楽がもたらす幸福感や国境を越えたつながりの力を信じています。魅力的なアーティスト陣が地球上のさまざまな文化を代表するリズムと感動的なメロディーで魅了し、あなたを新たな音楽の世界へと誘います。 M Festivalは単なる音楽イベントにとどまらず、家族全員が楽しめる没入型の体験です。インタラクティブなワークショップや魅力的なパフォーマンス、エキサイティングな屋外活動やゲームなど、誰もが楽しめるプログラムが揃っています。家族の思い出を作り、音楽の喜びを共有できる雰囲気を大切にしています。 メロディーに身を委ねながら、周囲の自然の魅力にも触れてみましょう。静寂な温泉や伝統的な温泉地、美味しい地元料理や文化的な名所など、みなかみの隠れた宝物を発見しましょう。M Festivalは単なる音楽フェスティバルではなく、探求と冒険の不思議な旅への招待状です。 2023年10月14日と15日、Canyons Minakamiで開催されるM Festivalにぜひご参加ください。音楽が私たち全員を結びつける言葉となり、日本の壮大な山々の中で世界音楽の魔法に身を委ねましょう。
This was a really great trip. We were a small group, but everyone got along really well. It was nice sharing snacks and drinks on the long the bus ride. The bus was comfortable, and I was able to nap on the ride to the event. Keiji, as always, was a fantastic guide. He communicated efficiently, and I appreciated having a Whatsapp group to be able to communicate with each other throughout the weekend. Often guides separate from the group, so it was nice that Keiji hung out with everyone and also enjoyed the festival. The tents were comfortable, even with it raining all night. There was a wide variety of artists at the event, and it was fun also being able to play pool or go swimming. The drinks and food were reasonably priced, and tasted really good. I also liked being able to go to the onsen nearby. Overall fantastic weekend and looking forward to my next TSC trip!